HTML Overview
- HTML Editing Tools
- WYSISYG Authoring Tools
- Document Structure
- HTML Tags
- Information browsers ignore
- Tips on good HTML style
- Specifying Color in HTML
Structural HTML Tags
- The Summary of Structural Tags
- Setting up an HTML document
- The global settings with the “BODY” tag
- Using META tag
Formatting Text
- The summary of Text tags
- Working with HTML text
- The inline type styles
- The FONT tag
- The Lists
- The layout techniques with HTML
Creating Links
- The summary of tags related to linking
- Simple Hypertext links
- Linking within a document
- Affecting the appearance of links
- Targeting windows
- The Image maps
- Non-Web links and protocols
Adding images and other page elements
- The summary of object placement tags
- Horizontal rules
- The Image basics
- The IMG tag and its attributes
- Adding Java Applets to the page
- Adding Plug-in Media with EMBED
- Adding Media files with OBJECT
- The summary of Table tags
- Introduction to tables
- The Basic table structure
- Affecting table appearance
- Table troubleshooting
- Tips and tricks
- Standard table templates
- Multipart images in tables
- The summary of Frame tags
- Introduction to frames
- The basic frameset structure
- The frame function and appearance
- Targeting frames
- The Inline (Floating) frames
- Frame design tips and tricks
- Summary of FORM tags
- Introduction to Forms
- The basic form (FORM)
- The FORM elements
- The New FORM attributes (HTML 4.0)
- Affecting the appearance of forms
- Unconventional use of FORM elements
- Demystifying CGI
- Retrieving the parameter value using getParameter () method
Server Side includes (SSI)
- How SSI is used
- The SSI and the server
- Adding SSI commands to a document
- Using environment variables
- The XSSI
- The List of elements
- The Include variables
- Time formats for SSI output